

Simple Pleasures

These past few weeks all of the various forces in my life converged into a perfect storm of projects, deadlines, travel, tomatoes, celebrations, and very little sleep.  But, thankfully, by this time tomorrow, I will be home and ready to resume a more normal pace of life, work, and of course, some serious garden therapy. 

As busy as life has been, there have also been plenty of little things to appreciate and enjoy in the midst of it all.  These are a few of those things:  

An increasingly full pantry:
Another wave of new life in the fall garden:
Homegrown and homemade fresh pressed apple cider:
Mums in the window boxes and flower pots:
Big, beautiful homegrown heirloom pumpkins:
And itty bitty pumpkin gourds: 
The beginnings of my new permanent herb and flower garden:
No sign of frost yet: 
And more tomatoes.  Lots and lots of tomatoes: 

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