

On the Fence

This photo was taken early one morning last week after a much needed rainfall.  I love how vibrant the colors in the garden have been this month, but especially so on these rain-soaked, overcast mornings. We've had a number of perfect rainfalls in the past couple of weeks, and the gardens are looking pretty dang good as a result, especially considering how late it is in the season. 

We've officially reached that awkward stage in the late season garden, where the tomatoes are just about done producing on the bottom half of the plants, meaning all the action has moved up and over to the other side of the fence.  Things are looking quite bare on the garden side, while the other side is lush and green, and definitely still growing with a little boost from the recent rain.  I really do enjoy pulling into the driveway and seeing the ripening tomatoes hanging off the fence, though.  It's the one reason it almost pains me to think about rotating the tomatoes to another garden next year; it's as if this fence was built to be adorned by tomatoes in September.  

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