

Green Apple Salsa

It's time to wrap up another Salsa Week with one last garden-fresh recipe.  This one is crispy, crunchy, and fresh - absolutely perfectly suited to go along side a bowl of salty tortilla chips.

As we like to say, our house "came" with a healthy Haralson apple tree, and every other year we are inundated with a bumper crop of apples.  This is an "on" year, and I don't think I've ever seen the tree as loaded down as it is right now.
In order to give the branches a little relief, we've been thinning out a few A LOT of green apples, and while they haven't turned red yet, there's a little sweetness to them, which gives them nice tart, crisp, green apple flavor that is just begging for the right application.

Enter: Green Apple Salsa.  This salsa is packed with fresh flavors and crunch from the green apple, cucumber, and onion (I even tossed in a couple of tomatillos from the garden bowl).  A little hot pepper adds some heat, and a combination of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar pulls it all together nicely.

This salsa is perfect for a hot day - it's refreshing and addicting.  Try serving it with a bowl of purple corn tortilla chips for a beautiful presentation!

Green Apple Salsa
2 apples
1/2 large cucumber
3-4 tomatillos
1-2 jalapeno or serrano peppers
1 small red onion
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Chopped fresh cilantro

Finely dice the apples, cucumber, tomatillos, chili peppers, and red onion and combine in a bowl. Add the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, and stir well to mix up all ingredients.  Top with a little chopped fresh cilantro and serve with tortilla chips

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