

Little Litchi

My little Litchi Tomatoes (technically not an actual tomato, but still a member of the nightshade family) are finally starting to bud their first true leaves!  These little seedlings have been growing along, ever so slowly, for the past several weeks.  I'm definitely looking forward to seeing some leaves, but even more curious to see when the spines and thorns start to appear.  Stay tuned!


  1. I like this close up. I never heard of Litchi tomatoes. If not tomatoes, you mean they are an entirely different species?

    1. Thanks, Jason! They are more like a ground cherry or a tomatillo, with a round red fruit inside a thorny husk. Baker Creek describes the flavor as a blend of tomato and cherry flavors, which is perhaps where the "tomato" came from? Or maybe the "tomato" name is because they are somewhat-related as a member of the nightshade family? I just discovered them this year as well and I can't wait to see how they do!
