Still Waiting for Spring

It's been quiet around here this week.  In part because my week has been packed with work events, but also because I've been having a bit of a pity party for one (or perhaps for the combined populations of the states of Minnesota and North Dakota) over the glaring lack of spring-like weather.

The first day of spring should be the equivalent of Christmas morning for gardeners.  A month ago, I was optimistic that my first day of spring post would include pink pops of rhubarb, buds ready to burst, anything green, anything at all that would cheerfully announce that spring is here.

What I had to work with instead: ice, snow, and cold.

As I was driving into work this morning, the temperature reading on my dashboard was a big fat goose egg -as in, zero degrees.  If I hadn't been driving down the highway, dodging big chunks of hard-as-a-rock ice falling off of trucks, and if it weren't so gosh darn depressing, I might have considered pulling over for photographic evidence, but let's be honest: no one wants to see that - especially not on the first, second, and (likely) third day of spring.

Yes, the first day week of spring has been a bit of a let down for me this year.  I had such high hopes! I have to keep reminding myself that spring will come eventually.  I'm just going to have to dig a little deeper and hold out a little longer.  And maybe plant some more tomatoes.
