Meteorological Spring is Here!

Happy Friday! Or more importantly, happy first day of meteorological spring!!!  That's right, we made it through the coldest months of the year and it only gets better from here! 

Unlike astronomical seasons, which are determined by the position of the sun, meteorological seasons are determined by seasonal shifts in weather patterns.  So if you have no other reason to be excited on this Friday morning, I offer you this: beginning around March 1, the weather takes a decidedly spring-like turn as we approach the vernal equinox (and the first day of astronomical spring) on March 20th.  Let me repeat, decidedly spring-like.  It does a winter-weary soul good, doesn't it? 

There may still be snow on the ground (and more snow yet to fall), but there's no denying that spring is starting to stir.  The buds on the raspberry canes (pictured) and the apple tree are already starting to swell.  The snow on the south side of the garage is nearly melted away from where the rhubarb will start to crown by the end of the month. And indoors, even my broccoli seedlings decided to celebrate the arrival of meteorological spring by sprouting up out of the soil this morning.  

I think I'm going to celebrate by starting my tomato seeds this weekend.  How about you? 

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