Garden Planning 101

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing a series of posts on garden planning, and let me tell you, I cannot wait to start sharing these posts with you!  The past few weeks of work on this project have been a labor of garden love.

Whether you are planning to plant a few of your favorite veggie plants in containers on your patio or an expansive vegetable garden to feed your family, you will find lots of tips, tricks, and resources for planning this year's garden. This series will have something for everyone: if you're giving gardening a go for the first time this year, these posts will walk you through, step by step, with the what, when, and how to plan your garden, and for those who have more garden experience and knowledge, there will be valuable resources and reviews you won't want to miss!

The first post in the series, on taking a pre-planning garden inventory, will be up tomorrow!
